Video description: ⭐️⭐️ Hello, Traders! Steve Ganz here. I'm excited to share the critical skill of knowing when and how to adjust a trade. Many new options traders think you just set a trade and let it ride, but there's so much more to it! I'll take you through a real-world example from my start-to-finish series, showing how a timely adjustment turned a good trade into a GREAT one. 💥💥 In this video, you’ll learn: - The MANY uses of options for maximizing profits - How technical analysis can guide your trading decisions - The power of strategic adjustments in options trading I’ll show you the exact steps I took, why I took them, and the incredible results. Whether you're looking to master the bull put spread, butterfly trade, or iron condor, understanding trade adjustments is key. If you found this video valuable, please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE. Drop your questions in the comments, and I'll do my best to answer them. Ready to take your trading to the next level? Go to - [link] and register here for exclusive content and insights! Let's boost those profits together! 🚀 #steveganz #SJGtrades #options #optionstrading #SPX #incometrading #butterflytrade #ironcondor #tradingstrategy #technicalanalysis #marketanalysis #riskmanagement #tradingpsychology #volatilitytrading #optionseducation #SteveGanz #AdjustingTrades #ProfitableTradingStrategies #OptionsTradingTips #MasterTradeAdjustments CHAPTERS: 00:00 - The Value of Knowing When and How to Adjust a Trade 0:48 - Start of the Trade 2:54 - Adding a Call Spread 4:58 - Technical Analysis 5:49 - The Importance of Knowing How to Adjust a Trade 6:17 - Closing the Trades Out